10/28 8:20 – 10:20 Shadow Lane Project pre-design concept sketchup model 2.5 h Project Planning & Design 10/29 9:00 – 13:00 Shadow Lane Project pre-design concept sketchup model 4 h Project Planning & Design Weekly Reflection This is a short week. A+H group is going to NOLA participating Healthcare Design Conference from 10/30 […]
Month: November 2019
Nov. 4 – Nov. 7 @ SMHa
Nov. 4 – Nov. 7 at SMHa Monday, Nov. 4: Out of work! AXP Hours: 0 Tuesday, Nov. 5: Today I worked on Redlines again for our 890 project. Today I continued work from last week and did some panel elevation redlines. AXP Hours: 4 PDD Wednesday, Nov. 6: Today was a continuation of yesterday’s […]
Oct. 28 – Nov. 1 @ SMHa
Oct. 28 – Nov. 1 at SMHa Monday, Oct. 28: Today, I worked on Redlines of Panel elevations for 890 project. We have a pretty complex panel system on the exterior of our event venue that is supposed to mimic an equalizer. Because of this, it’s hard to model in a clear way and there […]
Oct. 21-25 @ SMHa
Oct. 21 – Oct. 25 at SMHa Monday, Oct. 21: Today my computer needed to be updated to Revit 2020, so I was on the phone with our IT people for the whole morning trying to get that done! Sadly, there was an installation error and it never got completed. AXP Hours: 0 Tuesday, Oct. […]
Oct. 14-18 @ SMHa
Oct. 14 – Oct. 18 at SMHa October 17: Revit Model of Windwood Farms pavilion! I kept working towards getting this done for drawings. AXP Hours: PDD 4 October 18: Finished my model! I was able to put together all of the drawings needed for CD’s today. AXP Hours: PDD 4 Windwood Farms Historic Merchants […]
11.11.19 – 11.14.19
11.11.19 Practice Management | Project Planning & Design, 5 hours All staff meeting with a CSL team presentation. They talked about the International Existing Building Code, the Virginia Existing Building Code, and best practices as they worked through code issues with a specific project. The team went through the VEBC and set up a page dedicated to […]
Monday Nov 11th Micro Homes Competition (1h – Project Management) Micro Homes Competition (2h – Project Design and Development) Today we had our weekly Monday meetings with everyone in the office to discuss the projects that we would be working on this week. I think I will mostly be in charge and participating in getting […]
Bee Breeders and Micro Homes
Monday Nov 4th Micro Homes Competition (3h – Project Management) Today I altered the schedule a little bit for micro homes. I continued designing a few options. Micro homes are tricky because you have to chose which program to favor. You can’t really do all the activities at once in such a small space. They’re […]
blog post 11/4 – 11/7 + weekly recap
11/4 Hours worked: 4 hours Tasks performed: Begun the process of detailing for the side yard “concept” I have been designing previously in the semester. Also began a cost analysis on the price of each flower bed that would contain soil. This means that I will have to break it down by typical plywood and […]
Week 12 – Cameron Foster
Overview: Last week I missed work on Thursday due to travel for my community 1:1 class which only left me with 8 hours on the week. I worked on perspective renderings for Discovery Place Nature that week. The renderings had already been done by a rendering company that we outsource our perspective images to but […]