Wednesday (12-07-22) Today I continued to work on the Market St bike infrastructure plan drawing. I primarily focused on imposing pre existing SCDOT bike lane infrastructure designs into the plan. I also had a brief meeting with my mentor to discuss the bike infrastructure design at the Market St and Meeting St intersection because this […]
Author: byoung4
Brooke Young | Design Division | Week 11
Monday (11-21-22) Today I continued to work on the Market St bike lane infrastructure project. I focused my efforts on infilling existing street context into the master plan, ranging from crosswalks, to loading zones, to parking, to buffers. This consisted of using my newly learned software knowledge in ArcMap and Google Earth to draw as […]
Brooke Young | Design Division | Week 10
Monday (11-14-22) Today I worked on the USACE Peninsula 3x3x3 Study focusing on creating axon graphics of barrier types. I was able to complete a Battery Edge Condition axon based on current conditions of the Battery Edge and a Home Elevation axon, depicting a home on stilts. Work Period: 3:00PM – 5:40PM Tuesday (11-15-22) Today […]
Brooke Young | Design Division | Week 9
Monday (11-07-22) Today I continued to work on the Market St bike lane section graphics. My mentor and I had a surprise meeting with the JMT engineers overseeing the Low Battery Phase 4 project. We mainly discussed reiterated concepts based on the last meeting. A lot of the feedback produced centered around how to deal […]
Brooke Young | Design Division | Week 8
Monday (10-31-22) Today I continued to work on the Market St bike lane concept graphics. I completed 2 concept plan drawings with the existing curb and 3 conecpt plan drawings with the proposed curb extension. All of the concept drawing showcased an array of bike lane implementations. I also had a meeting with my mentor […]
Brooke Young | Design Division | Week 7
Monday (10-17-22) Today I was assigned a new project to work on for the upcoming 3 weeks. I was briefed on the DRC Charleston Place application and tasked with providing the graphical content for plan and section view drawings of implemented bike lanes alongside the project proposal. 2 concepts would showcase bike lanes implemented with […]
Brooke Young | Design Division | Week 6
Monday (10-17-22) Today I focused on completing the Low Battery Phase 4 Concept presentation. This task included, labeling the individual concept graphics, writing a brief discription to elaborate on the differentiation between the concepts. This needed to be done in a way that would be understandable and highly diagrammatic for the engineers reviewing the presentation. […]
Brooke Young | Design Division | Week 5
Tuesday (10-11-22) Today I meet with my mentor and Ashley to discuss my performance and goals for the internship. After the meeting my mentor and I further discussed areas in which I could improve and new goals I could shoot for within the internship. We also talked about changes to the program used for project […]
Brooke Young | Design Division | Week 4
Monday (10-03-22) Today I was invited to listen in on a meeting considering the design proposals from this past week of the Low Battery with my mentor and an engineer on the project. After the meeting I continued to work on detailing the breakwater axon graphic for the USACE 3X3X3 card deck. I also reviewed […]
Brooke Young | Design Division | Week 3
Monday (09-26-22) Today I was invited to listen in on a meeting considering the future design of the Low Battery. The design/engineering group presented 3 main concept ideas to which the other participants critiqued and made design comments regarding hardscape vs softscape, elevation changes, maximizing green spaces and avoiding obstructing views to the water. Work […]