Blog Post 9/16 – 9/19

9/16 – Did redlines on construction documents for a renovation of a Kiawah residence previously priced and needed changes. 9/17 – Finished up redlines on changes to construction documents for renovation of Kiawah residence. 9/18 – Began stair details and updated interior elevations that reflects changes in construction documents to renovation of Kiawah residence. 9/19 […]

Blog Post 9/9-9/12

9/9 – Worked on interior elevations for an addition to a house on Edisto Beach. 9/10 – Continued to work on interior elevations for addition to house on Edisto Beach. 9/11 – Finished up interior elevations and began modeling front stairs and setting up detail sheets. 9/12 – Finished modeling front stairs and finished detail […]

Daily Blog Post & Weekly Summary 4/15-4/19

4/15 – Continued modeling existing conditions for small renovation on stairs and back deck of residence 4-16 – Began to model new conditions for small renovation including new front stairs 4/17 – Began to model new conditions for small renovation being done on a house on James Island. 4/18 – Set up construction documents showing […]

Daily Blog Post & Weekly Summary 4/8-4/12

4/8 – Finished modeling cabinetry and stairs in residence from previous week. 4/9 – Took a site visit to a residence on Kiawah Island that just had windows installed, visited new residence project that we will be doing exterior renovations on. 4/10 – Modeled new residence in Revit, focusing on the aspects of the house […]

Daily Blog Post & Weekly Summary 4/1-4/5

4/1 – Modeled in Revit an existing shop to be renovated to meet ada requirements and bathroom and combine that shop and shop next to it into one. 4/2 – Finished modeling shop, dropped off BAR Review documents & picked up drawing sheets, and started redlining Electrical RCPs and Interior elevations for a residence. 4/3 […]

Daily Blog Post & Weekly Summary 3/25-3/29

3/25 – Worked on updating the firm’s website. 3/26 – Finished up working on updating the firm’s website & set up interior elevations for a residence we are working on. 3/27 – Finished setting up interior elevations. 3/28 – Redlined Electrical RCP’s. Weekly Summary – Being able to work on the firm’s website gave me […]

Daily Blog Post & Weekly Summary 3/11-3/15

3/11 – Out-Preparation for studio final presentation 3/12 – Worked on specifications and modeled renovations in Revit on a house on Stoll’s Alley. 3/13 – Continued working on modeling renovations for house on Stoll’s Alley. 3/14 – Visited Stoll’s Alley site to take pictures at surrounding viewpoints for BAR Review Presentation and continued to model […]

Daily Blog Post & Weekly Summary 2/25-3/1

2/25 – Did a site visit to one of our clients on James Island and took field measurements for a renovation we are doing on the master suite, kids bathroom, laundry area, and entry closet. 2/26 – Modeled the field measurements taken on Monday in Revit. 2/27 – Modeled the structural roof of the James […]