John Crayne | NOVUS | Week 12

This week I participated in my first site visit with NOVUS. I followed Andrew and Tripp around the 3rd floor of the Southeastern Spine Institute in Mt. Pleasant. This was a big part in learning about construction administration. We followed Tripp around as he took notes of anything that looked like it was build wrong […]

John Crayne | NOVUS | Week 11

My mentor, Andrew, and I have begun reviewing Experience Areas & Tasks in the AXP Guidelines. This week we reviewed Project Management and its tasks. I think a very important take-away from Project Management is the concept of bidding. Under certain circumstances, when a client is looking for a firm/GC to build a project, there […]

Charlotte Littlejohn | Tyler A. Smyth Architects | Week 11 (4/4-4/8)

Monday:  Spent two hours documenting hand-drawings for digital reproduction for a new residence on Kiawah Island (Bloomfield); spent two hours developing interior elevations for a renovation (Margolis) Tuesday:  Spent four hours developing interior elevations for a renovation (Margolis) Wednesday:  Spent 2 and a half hours developing interior elevations for a renovation (Margolis); spent an hour […]

Jennifer Jonson | LS3P | Week 13

WEEKLY ENTRY 04/04/2022 Out of office – Sick Day 04/05/2022 Out of office – Sick Day 04/06/2022 Time Worked: 8am-12pm Del Webb Barton Village Project Create a Cartoon Set for the amenity center Work Accomplished: Project Planning and Design (Schematic Design) 04/07/2022 Time Worked: 8am-12pm Del Webb Barton Village Project Create a Cartoon Set for […]

Gauge Bethea: Red Iron Architects 3.28-3.31

Monday 3.28 (Total Hrs: 4) AXP: 4 PPD I began helping out today with SCSU’s Queen Village Renovation. I started working on revisions to the CD set based off redlines I was given. I also did some code search for window placement. Tuesday 3.29 (Total Hrs: 4) AXP: 4 PPD Today, I continued helping on […]

Jerome Simiyon-Bello Garris Architects-Week 11

03/28/22 – Monday I worked on the 1180 Sam rittenberg project. I worked on the new metal fins detail. I created the families for metal fins from the dri design catalogue. I also worked on the existing column detail and drawings showing the details of new metal panels that will be installed. 03/29/22 -Tuesday I […]