Herlong Architects – 3/2 – 3/5

This week was a great week at the firm!  Monday, I continued working on elevations for an existing house on Sullivan’s Island.  I also took about thirty minutes to confirm some measurements there.  It’s so nice because the house is only a couple of blocks from the office, so I got to walk over.  I […]

Herlong Architects 2/24 – 2/27

This week, I moved on from the Albrecht SketchUp model, and I am very pleased with how it turned out! It’s the first project that I have ever been that detailed in on SketchUp. On Tuesday, Steve Herlong and I walked over to a house on Sullivan’s Island about 3 blocks from the office and […]

Herlong Architects 2/17 – 2/20

The whole week of February 17-20 I worked on detailing the Albrecht home on SketchUp.  I learned a good bit about how they design roofs here and it was interesting to get to build that way in a 3D digital model. Even though I am very familiar with SketchUp, working with the people I do […]

Week 3 & 4 – Herlong Architects

The last couple of weeks have been great! I have had the opportunity to be involved in several different tasks in the firm. I went to a house in West Ashley that the firm will soon be renovating, where I took pictures, sketched, and took measurements.  The next day, I learned a new program, which […]