Week 2 : 16 hours
9/7 – 9/11
Hope’s Sparrow – Flatfish & Program Learning
Monday : 4 hours
I worked learning a new program that works with SketchUp called Layout. I will be using this to work on Design Review Board submittal documents. It’s a really interesting program. I started by going through a file that a fellow coworker made previously, where I could use that as an example. I know I will have a DRB project to work on when I return to Charleston, so I want to make sure I am prepared and explore the program prior to that.
Tuesday : 4 hours
I switched gears today and worked a little on the Hope’s Sparrow Render. I was able to place a view really good views around the house so that potential clients will have views from all angles. It always helps adding in things like plants and pools to help really create a render that someone can feel like it could be their own. I usually take a model image exported at a low line weight scale, then export it again as a pencil drawing setting at a higher line weight scale and merge them together. Then I add in all of the stamping in Photoshop and vignette the edges. I’ve been exploring a few different styles with this one so that all of the renders for different plans won’t look the exact same.
Wednesday: 4 hours
I worked on the Hope’s Sparrow Render again and discovered a few minor edits in SketchUp to make (hidden lines, etc.) that are easy to miss. I also changed a few of the plants up and worked on the colors/opacities in the render. I would say it is almost complete, however I have several views to do. I will post a picture when I finish them.
Thursday: 4 hours
I switched gears again, as I get ready to return to Charleston next week and dove in on Layout once more. I really felt like I was able to learn a lot, as I just navigated the program myself trying to mimic the example I’ve been given. I also know that “practice makes perfect”, so I feel like continuing to practice these skills on the program will really help me to create a successful DRB packet.
Weekly AXP Hours: 16 hours / Project Development & Documentation
Weekly Lessons Learned: This week, I learned a lot about the program Layout – in working with SketchUp. It was interesting to see how you can import your model, and with just the click of a button, any changes that are made and saved will update in layout as well. This can save tons of “wasted” time. For example, previously as I have exported images/documents from SketchUp to an adobe program, I have caught a mistake and then had to practically start over, but not with Layout. I know I will continue to learn even more about the program as I explore and work in it that will only make “life easier” on executing documents and designs.