Monday 1/31/22
Today I continued pushing on elevations and setting them up on sheets for the 1801 Assembly Project. Our Design Development set is due on the 4th of February and will be used for initial pricing – so all casework and accessories need to be updated in order to be included.
AXP: Project Development & Documentation
Tuesday 2/1/22
Elevations are still underway. Today I focused on setting up cabinetry in the kitchens and bathroom areas. I was able to make sure that Type A units received the correct heights and casework set up.
AXP: Project Development & Documentation
Wednesday 2/2/22
Today I am still working on elevations for the set. I focused on adding plumbing walls in all the unit types with an island or peninsula so that plumbing and electricity can be integrated to power the sink and dishwasher. I looked at past shop drawings from a recent project to understand how the plumbing walls were constructed in order to adapt them to the current project.
AXP: Project Development & Documentation
Thursday 2/3/22
Today I focused on the final wave of elevations for the bathrooms and adding all required bathroom accessories into the project.
AXP: Project Development & Documentation
Week Reflection:
This week I was able to learn how compare previous shop drawings and adapt them into future projects as well as understanding how much work to commit to vs. what I was able to deliver on. When looking over past shop drawings, I found a difference between the elevation drawings in the architectural set vs. what the actual sizing and dimensions of the plumbing walls ended up being in the shop drawings. In order to sort it out, I jumped on a call with Megan in the office and we worked through finding the differences and understanding the flow of changes in order to adapt it for the new one. This helped me understand what I was actually looking to achieve in the construction of the plumbing walls in the new project and has taught me the importance of shop drawings and their level of detail. Due to the deadline being this week and since I am working remotely, I’ve learned communication is key. There were many people in the office working on this project and trying to get the set ready to be sent out, and I found myself at times with maybe a bit to much on my plate to be able to deliver. While I was able to work through it all, I did not have the time to check over my work prior to heading to class and found out there were a few discrepancies. While I was able to get things all set up, there were still a few things that fell on someone else’s plate in the end. In the future I need to be sure to communicate what I feel I can get done in my time working in the mornings and communicate when I feel I am unable to complete it all in the given timeframe.