November 11 – 14 Final Post

This week marked my final week for the internship hours.  I plan to continue working with Becky through the end of the year.

Monday November 11

Hours: 3.5

AXP: Programming and Analysis

Summary: Today Becky had me research a parcel on Orr’s Court.  The potential client is interested in adding an ADU to her property but doesn’t know if it’s possible.  I was able to research the zoning and look at the existing property to determine if zoning would allow for additional square footage on the site.


Tuesday November 12

Hours: 7

AXP: Project Management

Summary: Today I organized a bunch of files on our server and uploaded measured drawings to folders.  Aside from that I worked on drawings for our Lowndes project. We’ve been working back and forth with the owner on this project and we are ready to submit it to BAR.

Wednesday November 13

Hours: 2.5

AXP: Project Development and Documentation

Summary:  Today I worked on revisions to the permit set for our Logan street project.  This house is a lift and has been on our project list since I started.  The clients are preparing for construction to start after the holidays so we are trying to get the permit set ready.  Permit sets look closely at dimensions and how things are put together.  This has allowed me to learn about what is needed in a permit set.

Thursday November 14

Hours: 7.5

AXP: Project Management

Summary:  Today we started measuring a new property on Tradd Street.  This house is a beautiful historical home that dates back to the mid 1800’s.  We are working on a few interior upfits and needed to measure the interior dimensions.  The MSHP students have been conducting an analysis on the house, and most of the walls and ceilings have been opened up.  This made measuring tricky as we didn’t have consistent places to measure.  Sometimes we measured to the finished walls, sometimes the stud, and sometimes to the lathe.


Weekly Reflection:

As this semester comes to a close, I wanted to reflect back on all that I learned.  I have had the pleasure to work on projects at various stages that have taught me a lot about the practice.  I have learned how a project moves through the BAR and permitting, and I have sat in on client meetings to get their feedback and understanding on projects.  I have also talked and consulted with engineers and contractors and learned how they see projects.  Overall I am very happy to be working in this field as I love to see the projects go from concept to reality.

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