Gauge Bethea: AJ Arch 11.07-11.11

Monday 11.07 (Total Hrs: 0) 

Off for Fall Break

Tuesday 11.08 (Total Hrs: 0) 

Off for Fall Break

Wednesday 11.09 (Total Hrs: 3.5) AXP: 3.5 PPD

Began updating the model for 186 St Philips in Sketchup and adding materials to the facade.

Thursday 11.10 (Total Hrs: 4) AXP: 4 PPD

Continued updating the model in Sketchup and Revit for 186 St Philips to begin Rendering next week.

Total Hrs:  7.5 Hrs

Picture: Render of 186 St Philips

Reflection: This week I used sketchup for the first time and it was a struggle at first. I learned a few commands and made it work, but still need some practice.

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