Erin Doering | SMHa | Week 8

Projects worked – ENT South Mount Pleasant Renovation

Project managers – Jeff Johnston

10/31/2022 – Monday

AXP hours – 0.5 (Practice Management) 3.5 (Project Development and Documentation)

I began the week with our firm weekly meeting to see what everyone was working on. I spent most of my time editing door and window jamb, sill, and head details for the South Mount Pleasant ENT Renovation project.

11/01/2022 – Tuesday

AXP hours – 4 (Project Development and Documentation)

I spent most of my time editing door and window jamb, sill, and head details of aluminum clad openings for the South Mount Pleasant ENT Renovation project.

11/02/2022 – Wednesday

AXP hours – 4 (Project Development and Documentation), 1 (Practice Management)

I spent most of my time editing door and window jamb, sill, and head details of aluminum clad openings for the South Mount Pleasant ENT Renovation project. I also attended an in-house Lunch and Learn titled “Revit Tips and Tricks”.

11/03/2022 – Thursday

I skipped my internship to tie loose ends for a history assignment.

Lessons learned:

This week I progressed in achieving my goal to have a better understanding of architectural detailing. It has never been a strong suit of mine due to lack of experience, especially in the construction means and methods. I specifically learned about aluminum clad wood windows and doors and their characteristics and how they are installed, especially within a renovation project. Aluminum clad wood windows feature the stylish warmth of a traditional wood window with an exterior protected by the remarkable durability and strength of extruded aluminum. This style works for a small scale doctors office like the ENT due to its warmth for patient well-being and durability in a commercial building. The most important aspect I learned about detailing is the importance of keeping water out of the building. Because windows and doors allow openings in the exterior wall assemblies, it is imperative to detail these openings with waterproofing integrated in them through sealant and backer rods, fluid applied air barriers, and continuous flexible flashing.

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