Andrew Schick | The Middleton Group | Week 7


  • 2/28 | Summerville Townhomes
    • On Monday, I worked on various sheets for our big CD Set push which we are hoping to submit on Wednesday. We met with Laura Middleton to discuss the internal redlines she made. There’s plenty to still develop, but we’re confident we can get it done in time. (4.5 hours –  Project Development and Documentation)
  • 3/1 | Summerville Townhomes
    • CD Set push, cont. (4 hours –  Project Development and Documentation)
  • 3/2 | Summerville Townhomes 
    • CD Set submittal: Jennifer and I wrapped up the set today. I worked on Elevations, Building Sections, Reflected Ceiling Plans as well as some sheet organization. (3 hours –  Project Development and Documentation)


  • 3/3 | Pickleball
    • To wrap up the week, I spent the majority of Thursday working on renders for Will. Our office likes to use a sketchy render quality. You can see an example above and on the client’s website for the project here: After kicking out roughly half a dozen different render views I moved on to work on wall-type details on another project. (4 total hours: 2.5 hrs Practice Management and Documentation & 1.5 hrs Project Development and Documentation )

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