Thaly Jimenez | NOVUS Architects | Week 9


The week of September 20th I worked a total of 16 hours on three different projects which include: Summerville Women’s Care Medical Arts OBGYN Renovation, Summerville Medical Centre MOB OBGYN Upfit, and the TMC Cancer Center projects. On October 25th, I worked on two projects: Summerville Women’s Care Medical Arts OBGYN Renovation and Summerville Medical Centre MOB OBGYN Upfit. I finalized the markups on the enlarged casework plans and elevations and the changes to the toilet plans and elevations for Summerville Medical Centre MOB OBGYN Upfit and then went over everything to make sure no markups were missed. I then started working on the markups for the casework plans and elevations for CD QC for the Summerville Women’s Care Medical Arts OBGYN Renovation project.


On October 26th, I Worked on CD QC for the Summerville Women’s Care Medical Arts OBGYN Renovation project. I began working on the markups for the enlarged casework plans and elevations and then worked on the other sheets starting from the title sheet up to the last one. Some of the markups were simple changes such as changing the line weight of glass panels so they show better, adjusting information on schedules, moving room tags around, and adjusting information displayed through the sheets. I left the changes that took longer (which include any changes to the model file) for the next day.


On October 27th, I continued working on CD QC for the Summerville Women’s Care Medical Arts OBGYN Renovation project. Today I worked on the markups that required changes on the model file such as getting the sinks to display as white on floor plans as the rest of the fixtures, etc. I also finished up the few changes I had left on the markups for the enlarged casework plans and elevations which included adding brackets to the ends of some counters and fixing some casework reference marks on the model file.


On September 28th, I worked on markups for the TMC Cancer Center Renovations. I began with sheet 701 and then proceeded to work on the other sheets after that. Some markups could not be completed since we needed to confirm some information with Ashley first.

This week’s tasks helped me achieve my AXP hours in one category: Project Development and Documentation.

Lesson’s learned:

One of the lessons I learned this week was about working on multiple projects at a time. One of the people I was working with taught me that when you are working on multiple projects at a time that are very similar to each other, it helps to do the same tasks on every project at the same time. For example, she would have me work on the enlarged casework plans and elevations of multiple projects at the same time in order to be more productive since all the markups consisted of making the same changes throughout different projects to meet the companies standards. This improves efficiency and lessens confusion.

Below I am attaching a screen capture of a sheet I worked on.

Mark Ups

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