Thaly Jimenez | NOVUS Architects | Week 7


On Monday and Tuesday of this week, it was our Fall break.


The week of October 11th I worked a total of 8 hours on the ‘TMC Cancer Center Renovation’ in North Charleston updating mark ups. On October 13th, I had a meeting with Virginia Bradley and we went over rendering techniques regarding the lighting of interior renderings in Enscape. This information will be useful for helping with the Azzur project in North Carolina.


On October 14th, I worked on the Maxillofacial Clinic Renovation in the Trident Health Center. I added room tags to all rooms in scope, removed the “not in scope” diagonal hatch so it could read better, and dimensioned all the rooms to be used for picking out furniture. Then I printed a PDF of it to be sent to the client.

This week’s tasks helped me achieve my AXP hours in one category: Project Planning and Design.

Lesson’s learned:

One of the lessons I learned this week was about rendering. I learned that it is important to readjust the settings from each view and that when making materials for walls, floors, etc. You need to photoshop it and make it look seamless. Otherwise, the rendered material will not look great.

Below I am attaching a scan of the notes I took during the meeting with Virginia.

Notes from Meeting (Tutorial)

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