RJ Gross | Beau Clowney Architects | Week 11


This week I worked a total of 16 hours and earned 16 AXP hours.

This week I worked on a multiple projects. I started by finishing redlines on the Electrical Plan I worked on last week for a house located in Georgetown, South Carolina. I also stated another project, which is a renovation located on Society Street in Downtown Charleston. I prepped this project by finding existing plans of the residence and drawing out the plans in our digital program. These plans were particularly interesting as they were for a renovation done a few decades back. The drawing I worked from were clearly hand drafted and was interesting to see his specific notes made and changes that architect made during that time. We are visiting the site sometime next week to confirm measurements in person.  I also worked on making a revision set on another Downtown project.

Overall this week I learned how we prep plans for a renovation on a downtown project. We specifically identify areas that we will remove for the renovation and mark it with a hidden lines and hatched with a specific pattern. Due to the attention to historical architecture and the protection provided by the Board of Architecture Review almost all of the projects we do in Downtown Charleston are renovations that rarely change the exterior of the homes.

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