Michael Caraballo: 9/14 – 9/18


Monday, September  14

Hours Worked: 8:00 – 12:30 total: 4.5 hours

  • Precedents phots
  • Brewery layout – research
  • Review clients program

AXP Category: Project Planning and Design

Tuesday, September  15

Hours Worked: 8:00 – 1:00, 1:30 – 3:00 Total: 6.5 hours

  • laying out the program into the as-built Revit model
  • research games requirement and spacing

AXP Category: Project Planning and Design

Wednesday, September  16

Hours Worked: 8:00 – 12:30 Total: 4.5 hours

  • Sketch 2 layout options

AXP Category: Project Planning and Design

Thursday, September  17

Hours Worked: 8:00 – 1:00, 2:00 – 3:00 Total: 6 hours

  • Discuss layouts with my mentor
  • Create new options after meeting
  • Understanding brewery functions and equipment
  • Brewery tour/happy hour

AXP Category: Project Planning and Design, & Project management

Friday, September  18

Hours Worked: 8:00 – 12:00 Total: 4 hours

  • study gaming and furniture layout within the options

AXP Category: Programming and Analysis

Total Hours: 25.5



This week I have been focusing on laying out a 62,000 sq ft historic building into a brewery. This building used to be an old stone manufacturing warehouse and later an underwear manufacturing warehouse. The client wants to fill the space with games, sporting events, a large kitchen, and a 15,000 sq ft brewhouse. The most challenging part about this project is designing around a low ceiling height.  To get a better understanding of the scale for the brewery equipment, my boss took me to his brewery to learn about the equipment functions and process. By taking the tour, I’ve learned a lot about the production of crafting beer and how to properly layout the equipment.

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