Meadors 9.30 – 10.03


8:00-12:00 Project Management, Project Planning and Design

  • Jacobik Residence continued
    • Set up existing, demo and new floor plans, dim
  • Benjamin Mays Historic Site
    • Redlines


8:00-12:00 Project Planning and Design

  • Benjamin Mays Historic Site
    • Redlines


8:00-12:00 Project Planning and Design

  • Benjamin Mays Historic Site
    • Redlines
  • Jacobik Residence continued
    • Design Option 2

Week Reflection


    • Jacobik Residence Renovation, Isle of Palms, SC, Jeremy Tate / Alex Libengood
      • Scope includes work from Pre Design, SD, DD, CDs, Permitting and CA as Meadors expands the 2nd floor over the existing 1st floor, adds a new master suite, half bath, expanded kitchen, replaces and removes windows and siding. Providing layouts, materials and finish selections and structural modifications.
      • In continuing with the Jacobik Residence our Project Architect had a call with the client regarding design options. We have configured potential placement for an elevator if needed for the rental and have started to dimension and analyze the floor plan option they prefer. I’ve come to see that within a renovation there may be things you notice that could improve in terms of whats existing that they don’t want to or can touch. As well as difficulty in implementing things, like an elevator, Through communication you can discuss these things but in moving forward clarity is key.
    • Benjamin Mays Historic Site, Greenwood, SC, Jeremy Tate / Alex Libengood
      • Currently working with Meredith Jacobs
      • Scope of the work is to provide Professional Architectural Services relating to the master plan and design of the Benjamin Mays Historic Site addition, including the chapel/auditorium, research library, and director’s office. Upon the Client’s approval of schematic plans, the Architect shall move directly into DD and permit drawings. 


  • Assess the current site in its existing state and determine locations for the addition and new building and land usage associated with the property. 
  • Design the chapel/auditorium building, containing a 150-seat auditorium, restrooms, a small kitchenette, and other program needs.
  • Design an addition to the museum building that will hold the research library and director’s office.


      • Dr. Benjamin Mays 


  • American Baptist minister and civil rights leader in the Civil Rights Movement. Taught and mentored many influential activists: Martin Luther King Jr, Julian Bond, Maynard Jackson, and Donn Clendenon, among others. The peak of his public influence occurred during his almost thirty years as the 6th President of Morehouse College.


      • “It is not your environment, it is you – the quality of your minds, the integrity of your souls, and the determination of your wills – that will decide your future and shape your lives.”
      • “The tragedy of life is often not in our failure, but rather in our complacency; not in our doing too much, but rather in our doing too little; not in our living above our ability, but rather in our living below our capacities.”
    • Although I was not a part of the design process of this project, the big takeaways here are the way in which one can architecturally reflect on someone’s life which is seen in taking elements of places he’s lived and his teachings and applying them metaphorically. As a personal side note, the above quotes really struck me.

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