Taylor Bissert, Daily Posts, Weekly Summary 4/22-4/25

Our DD deadline is on Friday! We are in a great spot and have even been pushing towards CD level on some of our sheets. This week is continued clean up work. Sheets that I see come across my desk are interior elevations and finish plans. It’s cool to see a project go from one stage to another. I never really understood the difference between DD and CD – but it’s really just the detail level. This week I was only in the office two days because we were finishing the Community Build project – the office has been very flexible, which is great. I also finished my CACC hours this week.


Monday 4/8 – I was out of the office today because I needed to help with studio on site building. Hopefully this is the only day this week, but the office is great at being flexible.

Tuesday 4/9 – Finishing work on storefront elevations (this is one of the DD/CD things that we are working on, but will be extremely helpful come CD’s) I also am ordering existing finishes today in order to match what the client likes and doesn’t like. My hours today fall in the PPD and PDD categories.

Wednesday 4/10 – No weekly sector meeting today, bummer. I really enjoy these. I worked on getting lighting fixtures picked out for the waiting room to go with our “Charleston Tree Canopy” concept. I also worked on picking up redlines from the client meeting yesterday. My hours today fall in the PPD and PDD categories. Today was my last day of CACC hours.

Thursday 4/11 –  I was out of the office today because I needed to help with studio on site building, but my hours are complete.


AXP Hour Summary to date:

PcM: 9.5 hours

PjM: 30 hours

PA:  58 hours

PPD:  52.5 hours

PDD: 59 hours

CE: 0 hours

TOTAL: 209 hours 

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