Madelyn Ault | Haute Design | Week 7 Log

– Monday 10/24
Time Worked: 9am – 12pm
Tasks Completed: Continued library reorganization and cleaning up the front of office.
Work Accomplished: Project Development and Documentation

– Tuesday 10/25
Time Worked: 9am – 3pm
Tasks Completed: Made changes to the design boards for the Smith project to send to the client. 
Work Accomplished: Project Development and Documentation
– Wednesday 10/26
Time Worked: 9am – 1pm
Tasks Completed: Took inventory from CAD plans of the new furniture for the Thorne office project. Counted how many of each type of furniture there is and drew out the dimensions of those so we can late find furniture to buy that will fit.
Work Accomplished: Project Development and Documentation

– Thursday 10/27
Time Worked: 9am – 3pm
Tasks Completed: Began space planning in CAD for the new client, Bach.  Corrected some things in the Smith CAD file.
Work Accomplished: Project Development and Documentation

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