Jennifer Jonson | LS3P | Week 4 (39)



  • Time Worked: 8:00am-12:00pm
  • Tasks Performed:
    • Holiday Inn Charleston
      • work on revit model
        • roads and infrastructure
          • Work Accomplished: Project Planning & Design


  • Time Worked: 7:40am-3:40pm
  • Tasks Performed:
    • Holiday Inn Charleston
      • work on revit model
        • roads and infrastructure
      • work on cartoon set
        • site plans
          • Work Accomplished: Project Planning & Design


  • Time Worked: 10am-3:15pm
  • Tasks Performed:
    • Holiday Inn Charleston
      • research and add additional precedents to visioning presentation
      • work on cartoon set
        • site plans
          • Work Accomplished: Project Planning & Design




Holiday Inn Charleston (project planning & design)

  • Project Location: Charleston, SC
  • Brief Description: The firm recently secured a hospitality project in Charleston, SC. The hotel will be renovated and the building’s exterior will be reskinned using more contemporary materials and systems. The project is currently in the conceptual design phase.
  • Project Scope: Research and gather more information about contemporary facade systems. Model building in Revit. Manage the project in BIM. Create cartoon set.
  • Project Manager: Thomas Jasper
  • Role of the Student: Create a Revit model of the building and its surroundings. Create site plans (existing and proposed). Meet with my mentor. Research additional precedents. Revise vision boards.
  • Experience:
    • For this week, I was tasked with working on the Revit model for the project (i.e., roads and infrastructure). I was given the original plans of the building; however, the plans were difficult to read since they were faded. For this reason, I used the help of google earth to gather the necessary information to construct the terrain. I was also tasked with putting together the cartoon set for the project (i.e., precedents, process sketches, plans) and creating the site plans (i.e., existing and proposed). Additionally, I conducted further research on contemporary facade systems. I also revised the visioning board with the additional precedents to better sell the ideas to the clients, thereby enhancing the presentation. I also continued to manage the project in BIM since I was assigned the BIM lead for this renovation project. Overall, I am excited to take on this renovation project since I have yet to work on this kind of project. Additionally, I am gaining a different perspective with working in Revit, normally I am used to using Rhino which is not as efficient.


Snippets from the Updated Holiday Inn Charleston Visioning Presentation

Existing Site Plan


Proposed Site Plan


Precedent Images: Miami Mixed-Use Parking


Precedent Images: New York Times Building

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