Time worked: 18
AXP Hours Earned: 18
Tasks Performed:
- Site Survey for new project to remodel two apartment units to create ADA compliance.
- Internal meeting to create task list for 100% CD set deadline for Hursey
- RCP coordination with MEP and lighting
- Review door schedule and security plans to show electrified hardware
- Pick up redlines for CD plans and changes made
The lesson learned this week was task coordination as a team to get to a deadline. We are all working in a single model and it can be challenging to understand that when one change is made, it affects the whole team. We broke out the tasks and made a plan to document all changes so that communication stays consistent. Communication in a large team project is typically the biggest challenge I have faced in architecture and we are trying to improve communication as we grow as a company.
Records of work:
project title :Hursey Montessori School
project location: 3795 Spruill Ave, North Chalreston, SC 29405
project scope : New 3 story K-12 school building
project manager: Danielle DeLorme
role of the student : Assist in CD set details