Shane Lenard Week 11.17.20 – 11.19.20

~Novus Architects~

Tuesday (11.17.20)

Today I worked on CSL Richmond VA. We worked on getting the AHJ comments coordinated with DWG. Many of the items that were picked up by building inspector are electrical items. Patricia and I coordinated the items with Mark from DWG and made sure they understood the requirements.

Wednesday (11.18.20)

On this day I worked on CSL Des Moines, Iowa. Patricia had me redline a set. This was good because many of the comments from her and Dana had not been picked up yet. I used past projects to reference while redlining. I think redlining is a useful tool to self-evaluate what you have done and what is still outstanding.

Thursday (11.19.20)

Today was my last day of internship this fall! I sat in on a few meetings and helped Patricia with a few items for the Construction Admin items dealing with CSL Richmond.

Concluding thoughts:

Wow! I cannot believe that my four-year time with Novus Architects might be over today! I am so happy with what I have accomplished (considering I started with nothing). I really enjoyed each and every day working with the team members that I did, even though I truly had to learn so much on the job, I think I was able to get as much out of it as I could. I cannot thank the Clemson School of Architecture for these amazing opportunities they have provided me and so many others. I would also like to shout out to Ashley Jennings, thank you for always believing in me and putting the priorities of your students first!

AXP Hours:

Project Planning/ Design: 4

Construction / Evaluation: 8

Redlined sheet as typical below.

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