Monday, October 19
Hours Worked: 8:00 – 10:30 total: 2.5 hours
- Small Office
- Review Permit set for submittal
AXP Category: Project Management
Tuesday, October 20
Hours Worked:
- No Work
AXP Category:
Wednesday, October 21
Hours Worked: 8:00 – 12:30 Total: 4.5 hours
- Brewery
- Laying out the dining area and private event space
AXP Category: Project Planning and Design
Thursday, October 22
Hours Worked: 8:00 – 3:00, 5:00-6:00 Total: 6 hours
- Brewery
- Beer Garden and Dining area
- Clean the Revit model/Renderings
AXP Category: Project Planning and Design
Friday, October 23
Hours Worked: 8:00 – 12:30 Total: 4.5 hours
- Small Office
- Column Grid
- Charlotte office
- Clean Revit model
- Verify floor and ceiling heights
AXP Category: Project Development and Documentation
Total Hours: 17.5
This week, I worked on completing the Permit set for the small office and sent the drawings to the city on Monday. Due to the lack of sleep from the review on Monday, I decided to take off Tuesday to catch up on school work and get ready for my advisement meeting. On Wednesday, I was put back on the brewery project, and with this project, we had to put together a presentation for Thursday afternoon. With its complex program, everyone in the office was working overtime to complete the project on time. With 30 minutes to spare, we were able to get everything ready before the meeting. After the meeting, I mainly spend time cleaning up the Revit Files for the next phase.