Claire McManus + Herlong Architects : Week 8 – 10.26-10.30

Week 8 : 16 hours

10/26  – 10/30


Isle of Palms – Sandlapper Design Group


Monday : 4 hours

I started a new project this week in SketchUp.  One of the company’s Herlong owns is Sandlapper Design Group and they focus the majority on renovations/remodels.  The clients bought an existing beach front house and are renovating and adding on to it.  Because of setback lines, the pool is having to be partially covered to fit on the property.  The client needed a visual for this, so I began working on that model for them today.


Tuesday + Wednesday : 8 hours

I continued the SketchUp model Tuesday and Wednesday.  Mainly working on the exterior with little focus on the interior besides wall locations.  I got most of the roof complete as well, which is usually the most time consuming for me.  I added all windows, doors, railings, and eaves as well.


Thursday: 4 hours

I finished the model today, which was great and a big accomplishment! I finished up all of the details and added patterns to suggest materiality.  I added several brackets and eaves that I missed yesterday and worked on the stair railing that sometimes can be a little tricky.  I was able to get some good views to export to send over to Jim (my supervisor on this task).  He liked them and will send them to the client to view.  I also ended up placing a sketchy-edge and opaque oak tree in the front of the house that is actually existing and will remain there throughout and after the renovations and construction.


Weekly AXP Hours: 16 hours / Project Development & Documentation


Weekly Lessons Learned: This week, I really tested my SketchUp skills in how quickly, but effective I could accomplish a model.  Given this model didn’t need to be quite as detailed for the clients and was mainly to see how some of the exterior would work out, I think overall it turned out well!  I also am getting better with making sure groups/components are on the right layer in SketchUp so it is easier to work with.

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