Lindsey Sinisi, Week 9.7.20 – 9.10.20

LS3P & Associates

Monday: 0 hours / Labor Day


Tuesday : 4 hours / Project Development & Documentation

This day was a little frustrating, for everyone involved! The first hour and a half was spent watching more Parallax videos and Dynamo tutorials. I then participated in a Zoom meeting to make sure everyone on the project team for Robert Smalls K-8 school in Beaufort had something to do and a clear plan to be ready for the upcoming Schematic Design deadline. Immediately after the meeting I went to start on my to-do list, and found that I didn’t have access to the model in Revit 2020. We spent the rest of the morning emailing and calling IT, having no luck until it was time for me to go.


Wednesday: 2 hours / Project Planning & Design, 2 hours / Project Development & Documentation

In the morning I spoke with the head Interiors person on the Robert Smalls project, who had a concept presentation in the afternoon. She showed me her presentation and asked for more concept images, showing specifically colored exterior lighting, small group gathering, and creative sculptural walls. I worked on compiling images for the first two hours, and right as I sent her what I found, received an email that I should now have access to the Revit model. For the rest of the morning I dove into the model, specifically working on inputting consultant info and logos on the cover sheet.


Thursday: 4 hours / Project Development & Documentation

Today I got in to the office a little early to open Bluebeam Studio and make sure everything was working properly. I had a note from one of my mentors to look over key plan instructions and that she would drop by to help me start. I went ahead and started working on it, and ended up finishing before she even got in the office (turns out she had pulled a late night working towards a deadline, so depressing to see that doesn’t end upon graduation). I discovered multiple issues with Revit family parameters in the model, and with the help of a coworker was able to figure out a solution. The rest of the morning was spent finishing the cover sheet for the Robert Smalls school, which was approved before I left. Next Monday they will have redlines for me to complete right before the deadline on Tuesday.


Total AXP Hours: 16 hours (Started Internship last Thursday)


Reflection: This week has contained a multitude of different lessons and adjustments. It was my first (almost) full week working alongside having classes, which is something I have never experienced before and took some getting used to. Work brain is totally different from my studio brain, and now I have to do both! Because this is the firm I have worked at for two previous summers, it was also strange to be working in a different format at a place that is familiar to me. In addition, while I know almost everyone and they all know me, coronavirus has changed the work environment drastically, making it simultaneously alien and disorienting. The firm has also implemented new technologies that I must learn quickly in order to be as helpful as I have been in the past. I am very excited to be back and am eager to gain more experience this fall.

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