TC Blog Post 10/21 – 10/24

Two of the various section drawings that I was tasked with digitizing and adjusting.  Lots of red lining and details.

Mike Nixon – Project Lead.

Savannah Commons Assisted Living Facility

Drawing enlarged details and adjustments made throughout the week.  Interesting process.

Mike Nixon – Project Lead.

Savannah Commons Assisted Living Facility


Monday 10/21

Out for Midterm Review.

Hours Worked: 0 Hours


Tuesday 10/22

Hours Worked: 4 Hours 15 Minutes

Started the first day of the week off strong with wall sections and elevation adjustments.  A first for me in the office.  Always something new.

AXP hours earned:

3.5 Project Planning and Design


Wednesday 10/23

Hours Worked: 4 Hours 15 Minutes

Continued work on elevations and started cutting a very preliminary wall section.  A lot of the foundations of it are basic, but I’m learning how to develop it further.

AXP hours Earned:

3.5 Project Planning and Design



Thursday 10/24

Hours worked 4 Hours

Finalizing the section/elevations and all of the sheet adjustments I did over the course of the week.

AXP Hours Earned:

3.5 Project Planning and Design



This week was initially a little tougher than most.  Had a good deal of stress going into the Studio Midterm review, but I believe I managed it well.  Made sure SGANW was aware that I would be out Monday morning and they gave me the go ahead which was fantastic.  For most of the week I was honing in on section detailing and general enlarged plan detailing.  Got a good deal of feedback on my sections so that I could better grow.  My drawing skills and abilities are getting faster and faster within CAD and that was one of my initial goals when I started at the firm.  Glad I can see it through.

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