Jennifer Jonson | LS3P | Week 10 (45)



  • Time Worked: 7:50am-3:50pm
  • Tasks Performed:
    • Edisto Community Center
      • Update rec center based on mentor’s redlines
        • Fix roof plans
        • Fix elevations
          • Work Accomplished: Project Planning & Design


  • Time Worked: 7:30am-3:30pm
  • Tasks Performed:
    • Edisto Community Center
      • Update rec center based on mentor’s redlines
        • Fix roof plans
        • Fix elevations
        • Create a separate file for rec center drawings
          • Work Accomplished: Project Planning & Design




Edisto Island Community Center (project planning & design)

  • Project Location: Edisto Island, SC
  • Brief Description: Over the summer, the firm secured a project for a community center on Edisto Island which is a ProBono design. The Edisto community contacted the firm for additional drawings and refinements to the rec center. This project is currently in the early phase of design.
  • Project Scope: Refine revit model of rec center.
  • Project Manager: Thomas Jasper
  • Role of the Student: Update roof plans and elevations of rec center. Make roof overhangs consistent. Model roof gutter. Add storefront windows to facades. Create separate file for rec center drawings. Update cartoon set.
  • Experience: The Edisto Island Community Center project was a Clemson studio project that I was fortunate enough to take part in during the spring semester. LS3P took on this community project as ProBono. Due to my extensive experience working on this project, I was tasked with continuing my work for the Edisto Island Community Center. Over the summer, the project was secured, so it is still in the early phase of design. For this week, I was tasked with refining the roof plans and elevations for the rec center based on the redlines I was given. I began by simplifying some corners thereby making the roof overhangs consistent. I also modeled roof gutters and attached them to the roof. Next, the side and back facades of the building were too flat and monotonous. To fix this, I broke up the facades by adding storefront windows. At the same time, I was careful to not add too many windows. Based on past communications with the clients, they prefer fewer windows. I also refined the curtain wall systems throughout the building for added consistency. Finally, I added a blue fill to the windows and altered the depth cueing so that the elevations would read better. Overall, I am grateful that I was asked to continue working on this community center because I am gaining a different experience. This project is an interesting experience for me because the project is pro-bono, so I am being exposed to a different aspect of design that I never had the opportunity to take part in yet until now. The project is community driven which is vastly different from the other projects I worked on at this firm. So, I am excited that I am broadening my knowledge about architecture through this project.


Edisto Island Community Center (REC CENTER ONLY)

Edisto Rec Center Roof Plan Updated


Edisto Rec Center Elevations Updated


Edisto Rec Center Elevations Updated


Edisto Rec Center Perspective Updated

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