Monday 10.03 (Total Hrs: 4) AXP: 1.5 CE; 2PPD
Today, I finished making the changes for 165 Coming from the redlines. Then, I went to 109 Rutledge for a site visit and to double check the existing conditions of the house. We also looked at the carriage house on the property and assessed its condition.
Tuesday 10.04 (Total Hrs: 4) AXP: 4 PjM
I began modeling the pool house for 165 Coming in Revit and reworked the floor plans to make the stairs fit.
Wednesday 10.05 (Total Hrs: 4) AXP: 4 PjM
I continued modeling the pool house today and made some changes to organize the plan with stairs a little better.
Thursday 10.06 (Total Hrs: 5) AXP: 1.5 CE; 2 PPD
I finished modeling the pool house today then went to 698 Rutledge to meet with the MEP and go over the plans for the Mech and plumbing systems
Total Hrs: 13 Hrs
Picture: 698 Rutledge Office Space (Second Floor) during the Meeting with MEP