Monday (09-19-22)
Today I had a meeting with my mentor and another designer within the department to discuss the graphical direction of the card deck for the USACE 3x3x3 project. Ultimately, it was decided to make iterations for the front of the cards with either a section or an axon showing ground depth and a plan view on the back of the cards. Both the front and the back would have a bar graph showing the different elements within the drawing.
Work Period: 1:30PM – 5:30PM
Tuesday (09-20-22)
I continued to work on the reiteration of the card deck graphics based on the critics received.
Work Period: 1:15PM – 5:30PM
Wednesday (09-21-22)
I continued to work on the reiteration of the card deck graphics based on the critics received. I also meet with my mentor to review my progress of these reiterations.
Work Period: 1:30PM – 5:30PM
This week I focused my efforts on making graphic iterations of the breakwater and t-wall barrier types for comparison of how different barrier types would look with the same graphical style. Due to the crits received on Monday, I experimented more closely with color choice in the drawings (blue only being water, tan only being sediment, etc.) and simplifying the diagrams to be more easily digestible from a non-designer perspective. I’m learning how to prioritize showing the true goals of these diagrams versus having these elements being secondary in the overall look of the graphics. For example, one of the primary goals of the breakwater graphic is to show its effectiveness in disrupting large waves. So being able to show the wave pattern differentiation versus just having a flat water plain is what makes the graphic successful not the aesthetic of the overall diagram.