Jessica Longhurst – Week 12 – 11.13.2021 to 11.16.2021 LS3P

Monday: Worked in Revit for Site Plan and Extents of the Post and Courier Site (3.75)

Tuesday: Worked on InDesign files for the LTP Academy Project with Caroline (4)

Wednesday: Worked on InDesign files for the LTP Academy Project with Caroline (2.25) Watched Revit Videos (1), Found Tennis Storage Bag Precedents (.75)

Hours this week: 12

Experience working in Revit is something I can never get enough of. There are so many different tasks and uses for Revit that I find out about every time I open the program. I had never set up a site plan with the correct zoning and property lines before and it was much easier than I thought it would be. I also learned about how restrictive some of the zoning and property lines are on sites in downtown Charleston. Sidewalks, roads, and parking lots also have a wonky way of existing in downtown Charleston particularly in the area surrounding the old Post and Courier location. I also learned the importance of cross comparison with GIS Maps, Google Maps, and provided older maps such as the Sanborn maps that can be accessed through the public library. None of the maps laying out the property lines of certain sites are the same, so using them as a synopsis to identify the truly constructible property lines was essential.

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