Maddi Riester | Tyler A. Smyth Architects | 11.01.21-11.05.21

Hours: 12.75 AXP: 12.75

This week I focused on the Boyd-Sellers Renovation in converting their porch area to another entrance to get into their son’s room from the ground floor. Meaning, making a private stairway for him. In addition to this, I was able to contact the Killians on their home renovation and give them some updates and answer some questions that they had regarding their FROG and porch reno. They threw out some ideas that they had in mind, but ultimately, came with design flaws. However, I was able to reach out to them and explain why some of the ideas that they had would not work, or that we highly do not recommend what they are thinking.

Unfortunately, the past couple of days I have not been in the office due to being sick but hopefully, I can have some more updates next week regarding other renos and builds that we are doing.


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