Tamaki Inahata |Design Works |Mar. 29 – Apr. 2

Weekly hours: 20 | Total Hours: 136


This week, I mainly worked on preparing for several upcoming presentations. In the Johns Island project, I worked on drawing the main section, which indicated the relation with proposed vegetation&building and views from the driveways. This drawing would help to describe the practical design for the client. I learned that each drawing or image has some specific purpose of telling the message to someone, and we should carefully think about it depending on these. The next project in Dorchester county was in the schematic design phase. So, I worked on making a CAD file based on my boss’s sketch, and it will help to discuss the scale in the next week. In the Country Club of Charleston, I also made some circulation diagrams to indicate the car, golf cart, and pedestrian access. And I organized the presentation sheet, which includes the diagrams.

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