Week Twelve 11.09.2020 – 11.12.2020; SMHa
Weekly Reflection This week I spent almost my entire time in Sketchup building a golf clubhouse from random google earth images and a site plan given to us by the original architect. Because there was not much to work off of, I was given the liberty to make my best guess on what I could build to be most accurate. This was a little stressful to me as I am more comfortable when I know what I am doing is exact and very precise but it was a good exercise to be included on. I had to learn how to prioritize only what would be visible in the desired render shots which is something that is hard for me to do.
11.09.2020 Daily Task 4 hours; Project Development + Documentation. Per usual, I started this week with the Monday Morning Meeting and heard that the interview that the office prepared for last week went great. The office attitude was very positive and happy to start the week on such a high note. I spent a little time presenting my studio project to LaShaun, as he has been very interested in my project throughout the entire semester. After that I jumped back into the Kiawah Island project and was asked to build some massing in Sketchup of an existing golf clubhouse that shows in the back of some intended renders.
11.10.2020 Daily Task 4 hours; Project Development + Documentation. I continued the clubhouse massing in Sketchup for the remainder of today.
11.11.2020 Daily Task 4 hours; Project Development + Documentation. I received some feedback from Charles and Jeff, as we found some clarifying photos of the golf clubhouse that were easier to understand than the drawings from the original architect. I adjusted what I had already built and continued working on the rest of the building.
11.12.2020 Daily Task 4 hours; Project Development + Documentation. I continued to work on the Sketchup model of the golf clubhouse with the intent to have completed renders by the next client meeting.