Meadors 10.21-10.24


8:00-12:15 Project Development and Documentation

  • Jacobik Residence
    • Electrical + HVAC


8:00-12:00 Project Development and Documentation

  • Jacobik Residence
    • Electrical updates, interior elev set up, framing plan set up


8:00-12:00 Project Development and Documentation

  • Jacobik Residence
    • Int elev, window adjustments + pricing, framing plan


8:00-12:00 Project Development and Documentation

  • Jacobik Residence
    • Window cost estimates, site research and site plan

Week Reflection


  • Jacobik Residence Renovation, Isle of Palms, SC, Jeremy Tate / Madden Frieberg
    • Scope includes work from Pre Design, SD, DD, CDs, Permitting and CA as Meadors expands the 2nd floor over the existing 1st floor, adds a new master suite, half bath, expanded kitchen, replaces and removes windows and siding. Providing layouts, materials and finish selections and structural modifications.
    • After some plan adjustments and additional discussion electrical elements were updated as well as HVAC being added. General assumptions being made for placement for the time being until more accurate sizing is done for the system. The other half of the week was spent preparing certain drawings and sheets to send out for a cost estimate on windows. Considering non impact versus impact due to the coastal location as well as casing materials. Currently we’ve received feedback from a Pella sales representative for their 350 series all vinyl option with an approximate $12,000 difference between impact and non impact. With the client being more budget driven, we are looking for another option just to give them a range/comparison. We’ve also begun to define finishes more in the addition through the plan and interior elevations. As well as checking the site survey and plats for setbacks and potential zoning issues – we seem to be in the clear and drawing the site plan just to confirm this with submittal.

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