Taylor Bissert, Daily Posts, Weekly Summary 3/25-3/28

This week I am continuing to work on the MOB project that I am a team member of. I feel like I have clear tasks during the week that I can take on without constantly asking a project manager what to do. The weekly meeting help a lot with this. I feel like Novus does a good job keeping everyone informed of all projects going on as well as project management. This week I started studying for my PjM ARE Exam and I am thankful to be on a team in the office that is a good example of Project Management.


Monday 3/25 – Every Monday we have an all staff meeting at the beginning of the day to go over which sectors have deadlines and which staff will be out of office. We also had an internal meeting with the MOB team to discuss deliverables for the Tuesday Client Meeting. I worked on picking up casework and interior elevation redlines today. My hours today fall in the PcM, PjM and PA categories.

Tuesday 3/26 –  We are proposing a second phase for some outstanding space in the building. I worked on programming plans to show the client for this extra phase. This involves changing some rooms in phase one as well. My hours today fall in the PA category.

Wednesday 3/27 – Today we had our weekly sector meeting. Afterwards, the day was a little scattered. I worked on picking lighting fixtures for the space. This has been an interesting task to balance budget and design. My hours today fall in the PjM and PA categories.

Thursday 3/28 –  The end of the week in the office has been a little crazy. My project manager seems to be flustered; there is a lot of work in our office which is good – but its hard to get an assignment for the 4 hours I am in the office at a  time. My hours today fall in the PA category.


AXP Hour Summary to date:

PcM: 8.5 hours

PjM: 27 hours

PA: 56 hours

PPD: 37 hours

PDD: 29.5 hours

CE: 0 hours

TOTAL: 158 hours 

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